2024 Sunday Concerts

Season Ticket: $54.00
Admission: $23.00
Orchestra: $23.00
Senior: $20.00
students: $10.00
under 18 years: free

performances at 7:30 pm

Highland Center for the Arts
2875 Hardwick Street
Greensboro, Vermont

Sir Thomas Zajkowski, Founder.
Igor Leschishin as music director and Solomiya Ivakhiv as artistic director
continue the work that Thomas Zajkowski started 42 years ago. They are
assisted by Kyle Gray, vice president and logistics director.
Caspian Music, is now in its fifteenth year.
We hope you will seek us out again this year on Sunday evenings at 7:30pm.


Caspian Monday Music, Inc. is an exempt organization under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The effective date of its
exempt status is January 19, 2011. All contributions made to CMM on
and after that date are charitable deductions that may be deducted by
the donors on their federal income tax returns.